
TitleDescriptionDateWatch Listen Download
Jude 1:20-25 - "Keep yourself in the Love of God"Part II - Pastor John Thomas4/21/2021
Jude 1:20-23 - "Keep yourself in the Love of God"Pastor John Thomas4/14/2021
Jude 1:14-15 - "Contending for the Faith"Part IX - Pastor John Thomas4/7/2021
Jude 1:12-19 - "Contending for the Faith" Part VIII - Pastor John Thomas3/31/2021
Jude - "Contending for the Faith" Part VII" - Pastor John Thomas3/17/2021
Jude - "Contending for the Faith" Part VI - Pastor John Thomas3/10/2021
Jude - "Contending for the Faith"Part V - Pastor John Thomas2/24/2021
Jude - "Contending for the Faith" Part IV - Pastor John Thomas2/17/2021
Jude - "Contending for the Faith" Part III - Pastor John Thomas2/10/2021
Jude - "Contending for Faith part II" Pastor John Thomas2/3/2021
A visit with Jude Pastor John Thomas1/27/2021